I am an Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor of Eco­nom­ics at the Uni­ver­sity of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. My research inter­ests lie in econo­met­ric the­ory.

For the 2024–25 aca­d­e­mic year, I am on leave at the Becker Fried­man Insti­tute at the Uni­ver­sity of Chicago.

Software package

Published or forthcoming papers

  1. (2024) “Infer­ence in Clus­ter Ran­dom­ized Tri­als with Matched Pairs” (with J. Liu, A. M. Shaikh, and M. Tabord-Mee­han), accepted by the Jour­nal of Econo­met­rics. doi
  2. (2024) “Infer­ence in Exper­i­ments with Matched Pairs and Imper­fect Com­pli­ance” (with H. Guo, A. M. Shaikh, and M. Tabord-Mee­han), accepted by the Jour­nal of Busi­ness and Eco­nomic Sta­tis­tics. doi
  3. (2024) “Infer­ence for Matched Tuples and Fully Blocked Fac­to­r­ial Designs” (with J. Liu and M. Tabord-Mee­han), Quan­ti­ta­tive Eco­nom­ics 15(2), 279–330. doi sup­ple­ment code
  4. (2024) “Covari­ate Adjust­ment in Exper­i­ments with Matched Pairs” (with L. Jiang, J. P. Romano, A. M. Shaikh, and Y. Zhang), Jour­nal of Econo­met­rics 241(1), 105740. doi sup­ple­ment
  5. (2024) “Revis­it­ing the Analy­sis of Matched-Pair and Strat­i­fied Exper­i­ments in the Pres­ence of Attri­tion” (with M. H. Hsieh, J. Liu, and M. Tabord-Mee­han), Jour­nal of Applied Econo­met­rics 39(2), 256–268. doi sup­ple­ment code
  6. (2023) “Why Ran­dom­ize? Min­i­max Opti­mal­ity under Per­mu­ta­tion Invari­ance,” Jour­nal of Econo­met­rics 232(2), 565–575. doi
  7. (2022) “Opti­mal­ity of Matched-Pair Designs in Ran­dom­ized Con­trolled Tri­als,” Amer­i­can Eco­nomic Review 112(12), 3911–3940. doi sup­ple­ment code
  8. (2022) “Infer­ence in Exper­i­ments with Matched Pairs” (with J. P. Romano and A. M. Shaikh), Jour­nal of the Amer­i­can Sta­tis­ti­cal Asso­ci­a­tion 117(540), 1726–1737. doi sup­ple­ment code
  9. (2022) “A Two-Step Method for Test­ing Many Moment Inequal­i­ties” (with A. San­tos and A. M. Shaikh), Jour­nal of Busi­ness and Eco­nomic Sta­tis­tics 40(3), 1070–1080. doi code
  10. (2021) “Infer­ence for Sup­port Vec­tor Regres­sion under $\ell_1$ Reg­u­lar­iza­tion” (with H. Ho, G. A. Pouliot, and J. K. C. Shea), AEA Papers and Pro­ceed­ings 111, 611–615. doi

Working papers

  1. (2024) “On the Iden­ti­fy­ing Power of Monot­o­nic­ity for Aver­age Treat­ment Effects” (with S. Huang, S. Moon, A. M. Shaikh, and E. J. Vyt­lacil), work­ing paper. doi
  2. (2024) “On the Effi­ciency of Finely Strat­i­fied Exper­i­ments” (with J. Liu, A. M. Shaikh, and M. Tabord-Mee­han), work­ing paper. doi
  3. (2024) “A Primer on the Analy­sis of Ran­dom­ized Exper­i­ments and a Sur­vey of some Recent Advances” (with A. M. Shaikh and M. Tabord-Mee­han), work­ing paper. doi
  4. (2022) “On Test­ing Sys­tems of Lin­ear Inequal­i­ties with Known Coef­fi­cients” (with A. San­tos and A. M. Shaikh), work­ing paper.